Meu Nome é Daniel



Visual Identity

Daniel Gonçalves is an up-and-coming, talented Brazilian filmmaker who burst into the scene with the feature film Meu Nome é Daniel, a poignant, reflective, and humor-infused flicker narrating his own story – a journey through life in an attempt to comprehend a condition that no doctor could diagnose.

The visual identity of the movie draws inspiration from the nostalgic footage of old VHS tapes that constitute the archive of his life, employing glitch effects, pixelated typography, and ink-drenched illustrations capturing significant moments from his childhood to the present day. These elements were seamlessly integrated into exclusive merchandise sent to the thoughtful individuals who supported the project through crowdfunding.

Daniel’s emotionally charged cinematic experience premiered at festivals and garnered several international awards.

Motiva® handled all the visual identity for my first feature film. For the main poster, we decided to create illustrations based on scenes from the film, but after a while, we thought it would be best to work with a studio photo with interventions that emulated VHS tape glitches. Always eager to do their best, the change of plans halfway through — instead of being a problem — turned out to be the solution for the various pieces we needed to create. Even today, when I look at the poster, I think: what a f#%*ing awesome job Motiva® did!

— Daniel Gonçalves, Meu Nome é Daniel Director


Techedge 2020 Non-Financial Statement


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